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the modern student-run media outlet.

Image by Ivan Karpov


Writer's pictureVioleta Banica

Let's catch our breaths.

Christmas is a few days away, and 2024 is just around the corner. Reports are coming out today, decorations are going up and we’re all happy to finally take a break from school. In our first article, we gave you a long list of what we planned to achieve from this academic year onwards, and here’s what we already got done : 

  1. ISBTV rebranded and branched out on a multitude of social media platforms - from a technical standpoint, we have expanded our reach by over 200%, on both Instagram and our website, and we’re further planning to expand our operations into podcasting and more filmed content. 

  2. Our first teacher interview with Mr. Benjamin Wall, discussing his ambitions for the upcoming academic year and his journey before ISB.

  3. In collaboration with our director, as well as with other students who decided to take the initiative this semester, ISBTV part took in the organization of multiple charitable events, such as the “3x3 Basketball Competition” and the Non-Uniform Day for Halloween; two events which raised funds for Asociatia Inimi Nobile, a charity dedicated to aiding in the recovery of cancer patients. 

  4. In regards to the two of the biggest conferences that are to be organized this year, FDRMUN and TedX@ISB - both projects have received official certification and accreditation, and are on schedule to happen during our second semester. FDRMUN has announced a carbon-neutral policy, aiming to equivocate their emissions for the February ‘24 conference completely, through joining a well-renowned tree plantation activity in spring with over 1500 volunteers, in Boboc, Buzau.

  5. Our benevolent Eco Committee hasn’t failed to educate ISB students about the importance of leading a green lifestyle. While recycling and reducing our carbon footprints are concepts that we are reminded of daily, on ‘Green Day’ the committee went all out. Students from both primary and secondary school gathered for a tree-planting activity, reserving one spot for each year group to make their contributions to the environment.

  6. Helping multiple IGCSE and IB students earn internships in their desired domains, for students to properly experience and determine whether their perception of the job was similar to how things went down. Our partners included Maison des Crepes, mentoring students who had an interest in business or hospitality; Cabinet Individual de Avocatura Bivolaru Cezar Edwards, offering insight into the world from a legal standpoint and Antena 3, submerging students into the world of journalism. Obviously, without our partner, FEDEVO, none of these opportunities would have been possible.

  7. ISBTV has designated a team to design this year’s yearbook, together with Mr. Turgut, searching for a new and innovative concept that spotlights our graduating class. Our team is currently finalizing a paper outline over the holiday, and beginning digital formatting in January.

  8. ISBTV has decided to open its doors to any student who is interested in journalism, or who needs extra help preparing for their IGCSE exams, starting from the second semester. We have members who have achieved outstanding results in a variety of IGCSE subjects, and who are prepared to explain or advise other students on what the best methodology is to ace these exams.

On that note, year 11 and year 13 students will be returning in January to face their mock exams. From personal experience, organization and time management is key. The most important thing in both IB and IGCSE is exam structure. While your content might be on point, most candidates lose marks because of their writing structure. Check the mark schemes and the grading criterion. Trust me, it will undoubtedly give you an edge over those who don’t. And lastly, do not pull all-nighters before an exam. They might seem like a good decision at the moment, but your brain simply won’t cope with the stress and the brand-new content you inhaled the previous night when entering the exam. So, text your teachers when you aren’t sure of something, practice the questions you dread the most, and enjoy your Christmas break. 

Happy holidays everyone,

Vio & the ISBTV team

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